IN DEVELOPMENT: The fairy tale of a top star

The story of a talented boy who wants to live his dream of music and loses love and himself. Until he realises that his dreams only come true where he has dreamed them.

A modern Grimm's fairy tale

Marti, "a fat boy from the 90s "*, is trapped between Knight Rider, Queen and his fairytale world, in the confines of his parents' home in the small town of Moers in the Lower Rhine region, where he can't live out his true dreams as a musician on stage. Except in the school play, as "Witch Wobbly Tooth", as he is called because of his crooked teeth. Marti hides himself, his feelings and his music; only Freddie Mercury always has an open ear for him. Only when he meets the first great love of his life, Ingo, does Marti finally find the courage to come out. But his happiness is short-lived, as his love and courage are taken from him again. Marti has to flee.

Desperate and lonely, he looks for a way out in the infamous casting show "Topstars". Far away from home, in the foreign glittering world of spotlights, cameras and screaming fans, he becomes more and more virtuoso in his new role. But when his three wishes - a number one hit, a Bravo star cut and a private jet - come true, the toughest test of his life begins. The dream of the stage becomes a nightmare.

To find his lost dreams again, the only way is back to the deep, dark fairytale forest he once left behind.

* Self-description from the song "Der Schatten des dicken Jungen aus den 90ern" by Markus Grimm.

Inspired by a true story

"The fairy tale of a top star" is based on the biography, music and experiences of Markus Grimm, who won the fourth season of the casting show "Popstars" in 2004 in Germany. Some of the characters are based on well-known personalities from the television and pop culture of the 2000s. Music plays a central role in the miniseries. Twelve powerful and emotional songs by the main character and interpretations of songs by Freddie Mercury are part of the plot alongside many musical highlights of pop culture from the 1980s to 2000s.

Miniseries, 7 episodes of 40-50 minutes each
Coming-of-age musical drama by Thomas Grube
in collaboration with Markus Grimm and Uwe Dierks.
Development supported with funds from the BKM.